Making an impact
Supporting small business
We source all our products from independent businesses in the UK who are passionate about quality, ethical and sustainable ingredients to make their products. We research our suppliers carefully to ensure they are cruelty-free, palm-oil free and share our plastic reduction mission.
Eco friendly products
It's not just about saving single plastic! Every product you bring into your home will have an impact on the environment inside your home in terms of air quality and outside your home once it goes down the drain and into the waterways, eventually entering the rivers and seas. All our products are free from parabens, sulphates, SLS, phosphates, petrochemicals, chlorine bleaches and other toxic chemicals that cause harm to humans and marine life.
Circular supply chain
All our liquid refillable products are supplied to us in 20 Litre containers which are collected, cleaned and refilled by our suppliers within a closed loop system. This eliminates the need for single use plastic. By refilling glass bottles and existing plastic bottles, together we have saved thousands of plastic bottles from being consumed. By refilling we can save a limitless amount of plastic!

We regularly return this number of containers back to our supplier. These 24 containers hold 480 Litres of eco-friendly products which represent around 960 individual plastic bottles saved!